In commemoration of the year 2010, a '2010 of Hearts card' (there actually are 2,010 tiny hearts on the card); and one of those old-time, touristy postcards — but for an address, instead of a city.

Crossword puzzle I designed, to be solved in English, Russian, German, Latin and French.

An antique elixir label, a death announcement for a cell phone, and a microscopic background filigree from printed money — all borrowed images I repurposed and transformed.

Lettering on the set of Pump Boys and Dinettes at Redlands Footlighters in 2014. The lighted sign boxes were constructed and wired by my brother, the LED master.

From a set of Victorian-looking recipe cards I was working on.

A 7-pointed star surrounded by 6-pointed stars, each surrounded by 5-pointed stars... all the way down to dots.

Page from a prop newspaper I laid out using old found ads and articles.

Fake magazine cover (of a real magazine) based on a hilarious old photo of a friend.

One denomination (out of 10 or so) of a fake "currency" which was distributed at Lux Nova shows, containing various pearls of philosophical wisdom. One of the bills was pentagonal.

Resemblance of these three images to the Twin Towers and the Pentagon is purely coincidental!